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German Film & Comic Con Spring in Dortmund: A dud

6. Mai 2024

I'll make a bingo card of these soon

A bingo card of weird cons. My second con was financially speaking just as much of a disaster but BUT I had much more fun and did sell some stuff that I did not expect I'd sell (stickers). This time around I couldn't sell one print but some postcards and stickers. I am glad that the whole burning of them stickers wasn't for naught.

I had planned to write a long and scathing review of everything that should have been better but the people that reported to me that this issue has been going on for a while. Me literally attending the last "Spring edition" was just unfortunate. The winter edition (in December) is said to be much better and as I already have a space reserved, we'll see how well that'll go.

The biggest thing I reeeeally appreciate is the feedback from other artists. I specifically asked for what I could improve on and they were all super helpful but did tell me that this con was a disaster. They were lucky enough to have their regulars that saved their asses this time around. One other part is that I do not have thaaaat much merch, as in variety. I had planned for more but that needs to happen step by step. I might be financially better off but I am far from where I should be at. Thanks to a certain person.

I am hoping for the best and pray that the tiny event on Saturday is more lucrative :D The table didn't cost much so even small sales could save my bum :D

See you this Saturday at the CMC Köln!

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